All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in total

03/27/25 How a Crush Plant Powers Agriculture

There are two crush plants in North Dakota, Bill McBee, Commercial Manager with North Dakota Soybean Processors is here to talk about the plant near Casselton. Bill Mc...

03/20/25 Seed Treatment Essentials for Soybean Production

It is important to protect soybeans from various pathogens, even at the seed level. Wade Webster, NDSU Extension Plant Pathologist, has some vital information.

03/13/25 Are biofuels driving the demand for North Dakota soybeans?

Demand is one of the driving factors that gives value to the soybean market. We’ll learn more from Dave Ripplinger, Extension Bioproducts and Bioenergy Economist.

03/06/25 From Iron to Drought: Breeding Soybeans for Success

Where do soybean varieties and seed come from? Here in North Dakota we have Carrie Miranda, NDSU Soybean Breeder.

02/27/25 Ground Rules: Managing Soil Fertility for Soybean Success

Keeping an eye on fertility inputs and steps to fight Iron deficiency chlorosis are covered with Brady Goettl, NDSU Soil Science Specialist.

02/20/25 Quality Counts: What Last Season’s Weather Meant for Soybeans

Annual soybean survey helps sell US soybeans to other countries. The organizer behind the survey, Seth Naeve, University of Minnesota, Extension Soybean Agronomist.

02/13/25 Navigating Dicamba Restrictions in Soybeans

Weed control in soybeans may be even more challenging this year. Joe Ikley, NDSU Extension Weeds Specialist, has the latest.

02/06/25 Series Intro with Miki Miheguli

Miki Miheguli, Director of Agronomy and Research with the North Dakota Soybean Council has a look at last season.

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